Peak Safety Topics

Companies have an opportunity to integrate safety into everything with good safety topics.  Having a comprehensive library of safety topics for every occasion is important. 


I hope you will find the following resources helpful to you in expanding – or reinforcing – your safety and health knowledge base. I am confident that it will assist you in identifying the good and the not-so-good conditions and activities at your site.  For other resources, click here.


10 Tips to Deliver a Great Safety Meeting


1. Don’t read the talking points. Know the subject and speak with your own voice.

2. Show people examples; pictures, videos, site-specific props, or point them out.

3. Make the topic vivid with a story – Share a personal example of how the topic applies.

4. Talk about positive examples of the application of the talking points.

5. Help people visualize the consequences. Share examples of related injuries.

6. Create “triggers” that will prompt people to think about the topics throughout the day.

7. Use humor in your discussion; use pictures, videos, etc.

8. Your job is to get people to imagine, think, & feel the value of the talking points.

9. Be interesting. Your audience will not forgive being boring.

10. Make people think with good questions.